TorahCalc API
Welcome to the TorahCalc API. To be notified of any upcoming changes, you may subscribe to releases by watching the repository.
English Text Input Calculator
GET /api/input
Use natural words to input what you want to calculate.
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
query | String | Yes | The query to evaluate |
Biblical and Talmudic Units
Unit Converter
GET /api/unitconverter
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
Multi Unit Converter
GET /api/unitcharts
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
Calendar and Zmanim
Birkas Hachama
GET /api/hachama
Calculate the next Birkas Hachama date
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
year | Number | No | The Gregorian year. The Birkas Hachama date returned will be the occurrence on or after this year. Defaults to current year. |
Daily Learning
GET /api/dailylearning
Calculate the Daf Yomi, Nach Yomi, Yerushalmi Yomi, Daily Chofetz Chaim, Daily Rambam Chapter, Daily Shemirat HaLashon, Daily Psalms, and Weekly Daf for a given date
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
date | String | No | The date to calculate the daily learning for in YYYY-MM-DD format (defaults to current date) |
Date Converter
GET /api/dateconverter/gregtoheb
Convert a Gregorian date to a Hebrew date
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
year | Number | No | The Gregorian year (defaults to current year) |
month | Number | No | The Gregorian month 1-12 (defaults to current month) Allowed values
day | Number | No | The Gregorian day 1-31 (defaults to current day) |
afterSunset | Boolean | No | Whether the date is after sunset (defaults to false) |
GET /api/dateconverter/hebtogreg
Convert a Hebrew date to a Gregorian date
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
year | Number | No | The Hebrew year (defaults to current year) |
month | Number | No | The Hebrew month 1-13 where 1=Nissan (defaults to current month) Allowed values
day | Number | No | The Hebrew day 1-30 (defaults to current day) |
afterSunset | Boolean | No | Whether the date is after sunset of the previous day (defaults to false) |
GET /api/holidays/gregorianyear
Calculate the holidays for a given Gregorian year.
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
gregorianYear | Number | No | The Gregorian year to calculate holidays for (defaults to current year) |
diaspora | Boolean | No | Whether to calculate holidays for the diaspora holiday schedule. Set to false for Israel. (defaults to true ) |
major | Boolean | No | Whether to include major holidays (defaults to true ) |
minor | Boolean | No | Whether to include minor holidays (defaults to true ) |
fasts | Boolean | No | Whether to include fast days (defaults to true ) |
roshChodesh | Boolean | No | Whether to include Rosh Chodesh (defaults to true ) |
shabbosMevorchim | Boolean | No | Whether to include Shabbos Mevorchim (defaults to false ) |
specialShabbos | Boolean | No | Whether to include special Shabbos days (defaults to false ) |
modern | Boolean | No | Whether to include modern / Israel national holidays (defaults to false ) |
chabad | Boolean | No | Whether to include Chabad events (defaults to false ) |
GET /api/holidays/hebrewyear
Calculate the holidays for a given Hebrew calendar year.
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
hebrewYear | Number | No | The Hebrew year to calculate holidays for (defaults to current year) |
diaspora | Boolean | No | Whether to calculate holidays for the diaspora holiday schedule. Set to false for Israel. (defaults to true ) |
major | Boolean | No | Whether to include major holidays (defaults to true ) |
minor | Boolean | No | Whether to include minor holidays (defaults to true ) |
fasts | Boolean | No | Whether to include fast days (defaults to true ) |
roshChodesh | Boolean | No | Whether to include Rosh Chodesh (defaults to true ) |
shabbosMevorchim | Boolean | No | Whether to include Shabbos Mevorchim (defaults to false ) |
specialShabbos | Boolean | No | Whether to include special Shabbos days (defaults to false ) |
modern | Boolean | No | Whether to include modern / Israel national holidays (defaults to false ) |
chabad | Boolean | No | Whether to include Chabad events (defaults to false ) |
GET /api/holidays/startdate
Calculate the holidays for a given year from a given start date in the Hebrew calendar.
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
hebrewYear | Number | No | The Hebrew year to start calculating holidays from (defaults to current year) |
hebrewMonth | Number | No | The Hebrew month (1-13 where 1=Nissan) to start calculating holidays from (defaults to current month) Allowed values
hebrewDay | Number | No | The Hebrew day 1-30 to start calculating holidays from (defaults to current day) |
diaspora | Boolean | No | Whether to calculate holidays for the diaspora holiday schedule. Set to false for Israel. (defaults to true ) |
major | Boolean | No | Whether to include major holidays (defaults to true ) |
minor | Boolean | No | Whether to include minor holidays (defaults to true ) |
fasts | Boolean | No | Whether to include fast days (defaults to true ) |
roshChodesh | Boolean | No | Whether to include Rosh Chodesh (defaults to true ) |
shabbosMevorchim | Boolean | No | Whether to include Shabbos Mevorchim (defaults to false ) |
specialShabbos | Boolean | No | Whether to include special Shabbos days (defaults to false ) |
modern | Boolean | No | Whether to include modern / Israel national holidays (defaults to false ) |
chabad | Boolean | No | Whether to include Chabad events (defaults to false ) |
Leap Years
GET /api/leapyears/hebrew
Check if a year is a leap year in the Hebrew calendar
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
year | Number | No | The year to check (defaults to current year) |
GET /api/leapyears/gregorian
Check if a year is a leap year in the Gregorian calendar
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
year | Number | No | The year to check (defaults to current year) |
GET /api/molad
Calculate the molad for a given Hebrew month
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
year | Number | No | The Hebrew year (defaults to current year) |
month | Number | No | The Hebrew month 1-13 where 1=Nissan (defaults to current month) Allowed values
Sefiras HaOmer
GET /api/omer/gregorian
Calculate the Sefiras HaOmer count for a given Gregorian date
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
date | String | No | The date to calculate the Sefiras HaOmer count for in YYYY-MM-DD format (defaults to current date) |
GET /api/omer/hebrew
Calculate the Sefiras HaOmer count for a given Hebrew date
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
year | Number | No | The Hebrew year (defaults to current year) |
month | Number | No | The Hebrew month - 1 for Nissan, 2 for Iyar, 3 for Sivan (defaults to current month) Allowed values
day | Number | No | The Hebrew day 1-30 (defaults to current day) |
GET /api/omer/year
Calculate the Sefiras HaOmer count for a given Gregorian year
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
year | Number | No | The Gregorian year (defaults to current year) |
Shmita Years
GET /api/shmita/check
Check if a given year is a Shmita year
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
year | Number | No | The Hebrew year to check. Defaults to current year. |
GET /api/shmita/next
Calculate the next Shmita year from a given year
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
year | Number | No | The Hebrew year. The Shmita year returned will be the occurrence on or after this year. Defaults to current year. |
GET /api/shmita/previous
Calculate the previous Shmita year from a given year
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
year | Number | No | The Hebrew year. The Shmita year returned will be the occurrence on or before this year. Defaults to current year. |
GET /api/zmanim
Calculate zmanim (halachic times) for a given date and location
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
date | String | No | The date to calculate zmanim for in YYYY-MM-DD format (defaults to current date) |
latitude | Number | No | The latitude of the location to calculate zmanim for. Required if location is not provided. |
longitude | Number | No | The longitude of the location to calculate zmanim for. Required if location is not provided. |
location | String | No | The name of the location to calculate zmanim for. Required if latitude and longitude are not provided. |
timezone | Number | No | The timezone name of the location to calculate zmanim for (defaults to the timezone of the location) |
candleLightingMinutes | Number | No | The number of minutes before sunset to light candles (defaults to 18, or 40 if in the Jerusalem timezone) |
GET /api/zmanimchart
Create a candle-lighting and Havdalah Zmanim chart for any location and year
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
year | String | No | The Hebrew year to calculate zmanim for (defaults to current year) |
latitude | Number | No | The latitude of the location to calculate zmanim for. Required if location is not provided. |
longitude | Number | No | The longitude of the location to calculate zmanim for. Required if location is not provided. |
location | String | No | The name of the location to calculate zmanim for. Required if latitude and longitude are not provided. |
timezone | Number | No | The timezone name of the location to calculate zmanim for (defaults to the timezone of the location) |
candleLightingMinutes | Number | No | The number of minutes before sunset to light candles (defaults to 18, or 40 if in the Jerusalem timezone) |
GET /api/zodiac
Calculate the Hebrew zodiac sign for a given date
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
date | String | No | The date to calculate the zodiac sign for in YYYY-MM-DD format (defaults to current date) |
Gematria Calculator
GET /api/gematria
Calculate the gematria of a word or phrase according to 25+ different methods
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
text | String | Yes | The Hebrew word or phrase to calculate the gematria of |
alef | Number | No | The gematria of the spelling of Alef for Milui and Ne'elam calculations. Defaults to 111 , the value of "אלף". |
beis | Number | No | The gematria of the spelling of Beis for Milui and Ne'elam calculations. Use 412 for "בית" or 402 for "בת". Defaults to 412 , the value of "בית". |
gimmel | Number | No | The gematria of the spelling of Gimmel for Milui and Ne'elam calculations. Use 83 for "גימל" or 73 for "גמל". Defaults to 83 , the value of "גימל". |
dalet | Number | No | The gematria of the spelling of Dalet for Milui and Ne'elam calculations. Use 434 for "דלת" or 444 for "דלית". Defaults to 434 , the value of "דלת". |
hey | Number | No | The gematria of the spelling of Hey for Milui and Ne'elam calculations. Use 6 for "הא" or 15 for "הי" or 10 for "הה". Defaults to 6 , the value of "הא". |
vav | Number | No | The gematria of the spelling of Vav for Milui and Ne'elam calculations. Use 12 for "וו" or 22 for "ויו" or 13 for "ואו". Defaults to 12 , the value of "וו". |
zayin | Number | No | The gematria of the spelling of Zayin for Milui and Ne'elam calculations. Defaults to 67 , the value of "זין". |
ches | Number | No | The gematria of the spelling of Ches for Milui and Ne'elam calculations. Use 418 for "חית" or 408 for "חת". Defaults to 418 , the value of "חית". |
tes | Number | No | The gematria of the spelling of Tes for Milui and Ne'elam calculations. Use 419 for "טית" or 409 for "טת". Defaults to 419 , the value of "טית". |
yud | Number | No | The gematria of the spelling of Yud for Milui and Ne'elam calculations. Defaults to 20 , the value of "יוד". |
kaf | Number | No | The gematria of the spelling of Kaf for Milui and Ne'elam calculations. Defaults to 100 , the value of "כף". |
lamed | Number | No | The gematria of the spelling of Lamed for Milui and Ne'elam calculations. Defaults to 74 , the value of "למד". |
mem | Number | No | The gematria of the spelling of Mem for Milui and Ne'elam calculations. Defaults to 80 , the value of "מם". |
nun | Number | No | The gematria of the spelling of Nun for Milui and Ne'elam calculations. Defaults to 106 , the value of "נון". |
samech | Number | No | The gematria of the spelling of Samech for Milui and Ne'elam calculations. Defaults to 120 , the value of "סמך". |
ayin | Number | No | The gematria of the spelling of Ayin for Milui and Ne'elam calculations. Defaults to 130 , the value of "עין". |
pey | Number | No | The gematria of the spelling of Pey for Milui and Ne'elam calculations. Use 81 for "פא" or 90 for "פי" or 85 for "פה". Defaults to 81 , the value of "פא". |
tzadi | Number | No | The gematria of the spelling of Tzadi for Milui and Ne'elam calculations. Use 104 for "צדי" or 204 for "צדיק". Defaults to 104 , the value of "צדי". |
kuf | Number | No | The gematria of the spelling of Kuf for Milui and Ne'elam calculations. Defaults to 186 , the value of "קוף". |
resh | Number | No | The gematria of the spelling of Resh for Milui and Ne'elam calculations. Use 510 for "ריש" or 500 for "רש". Defaults to 510 , the value of "ריש". |
shin | Number | No | The gematria of the spelling of Shin for Milui and Ne'elam calculations. Use 350 for "שן" or 360 for "שין". Defaults to 350 , the value of "שן". |
tav | Number | No | The gematria of the spelling of Tav for Milui and Ne'elam calculations. Use 406 for "תו" or 416 for "תיו" or 407 for "תאו". Defaults to 406 , the value of "תו". |
Gematria Lookup
GET /api/gematriasearch
Search for words or verses with the same gematria as a given word or phrase
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
text | String | No | The Hebrew word or phrase to find matching words or verses for |
value | Number | No | The gematria value to search for |
Gematria Match Finder
GET /api/gematriamatch
Find pairs of gematria methods where the given words have the same gematria value. For example, 53 = Mispar Siduri of "תורה" = AtBach of "עבודה"
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
word1 | String | Yes | The first word to compare |
word2 | String | Yes | The second word to compare |